
From the British Embassy - Kuwait

Dear Wardens,

I would like to draw your attention to a significant change in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s travel advice for Kuwait, which issued this morning. It has also been put on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website. The key points are as follows:

“There is the risk of an attack from Iraq in the event of hostilities. This might involve chemical and biological weapons.
There have been recent attacks in Kuwait by terrorists.

The threat to British individuals and organisations from terrorism is now high. It will rise further in the event of hostilities with Iraq. Terrorist attacks in the region could involve the use of chemical and biological weapons or materials.

We therefore advise against travel to Kuwait. If you are already in Kuwait, you should leave urgently while commercial flights remain available.
Dependants of staff in the Embassy in Kuwait have left. We are in the process of reducing our staffing to a core. Once we do so, our ability to offer consular services will be very restricted”.

Please draw this “Phase 2” advice to the immediate attention of British nationals on your list. If asked, you should confirm that it is for individuals to make their own travel arrangements. I attach, however, a list of airlines still offering flights to London and a note on how to book seats on extra BA and chartered flights which are being arranged to carry those who now decide to leave in accordance with this advice.

Please also underline that the Consul and Vice Consul will leave and the Consular Section will close at the end of the day on Tuesday, 18 March. Thereafter, only the most limited consular service will be available and solely for the most critical cases.

The Visa Section at the Embassy in Kuwait will also close at the end of Tuesday, 18 March. Residents of Kuwait will, however, be able to obtain visas for the UK from the British Embassy in Dubai with effect from Saturday, 22 March. The telephone number of the Embassy in Dubai is 00 971 4 397 1070 and their office hours are Saturday to Wednesday, 07.30 – 14.30 (local time). Further details are available on the Embassy’s website, www.britishembassy-kuwait.org.John Francis
HM Consul
British Embassy
